Monday, February 11, 2013

Music Monday

My pick for this Monday is Bon Iver's For Emma, Forever Ago album.

Justin Vernon of Bon Iver.

I've been  absolutely swamped with school work, chores, and things to do for What's Bippin'  that I've been a bit stressed. This album, however, has been my go-to album to help me wind down after a long day. I simply pop in my earphones, sip on some tea, and relax.

I haven't been familiar with Bon Iver for very long, and honestly, this is the only album of theirs I own, but I'm definitely going to give their other work a try.

So far, I have three favorite songs off this album: Skinny Love, For Emma, and Re: Stacks.

Happy Monday!


Monday, bloody Monday! Today was honestly quite dreadful. The epitome of a "Manic Monday". We have   all had these days I'm sure, where you just can't wait for the day to be over and you just want to scream "to hell with it all!". Who better to help me channel my frustrations than The Clash? Hooray for old skool punk!
